Novos Talentos: Gilmara Oliveira

Gilmara Oliveira é brasileira, reside em Contagem, Minas Gerais, e é formada em Escultura pela Escola de Belas Artes da UFMG. Em sua trajetória, participou de uma coletiva no "Centro Cultural de Belo Horizonte" em 2000; em Setembro de 2009 participou de uma coletiva na "Ambiento Paisagismo" (Feira de Cerâmica 2009); e da 3ª MundiArt no Rio de Janeiro – Brasil – Novembro/Dezembro de 2009. 
Em 2010, participou do projeto Art of Heart na Alemanha; da 1ª International Art Mail Exhibition of Puerto Rico; dos Salões "Museum of Portalegre" (Portalegre-Portugal), de 17/04 a 30/05/2010; da Intercâmbio Art Xpo – Feira de arte no Clube Espanhol em Niterói - RJ (14, 15 e 16 de maio); e da "Ver Arte Gallery" (Aveiro-Portugal), de 05/06 a 02/07/2010.


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Gilmara Oliveira
Born in Brazil, 1976
Degree in sculpture from the School of Fine Arts - UFMG - 1998
Degree in Design and Plastic Division by the School of Fine Arts - UFMG - 2000
Author of the book "Arte: Ensino Médio”. Belo Horizonte: Educational Publishing, which had its first edition published in the 2007. with 84p. PI. (Education the Youth and Adult) Network Education Sesiminas
She created designs for the spectacles: "Danças do Brasil" - Clícia Lizzí(Dancer responsible)
- Betim - Minas Gerais - 2007
She created designs for the spectacles: "Um Olhar sob a Dança" Clícia Lizzí(Dancer responsible)- Betim - Minas Gerais - 2008
Developed the Logo Ballet Clícia Lizzí - 2008

Exhibitions: In 2000, participated of the collective one in the “Cultural Centre of Belo Horizonte” with the artistic name of Taiana; in September of 2009, it participated of the collective one in “Ambiento Paisagismo” (Market of Pottery 2009) without the use of artistic names and, in November/December of 2009, it participated of the 3ª Publication of the MundiArt in the Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Hall of the French Alliance).
In 2010, will be integrating Heart of Art in Germany project; the 1st International Mail Art Exhibition of Puerto Rico; the Halls "Museum of Porto (Porto-Portugal), from 17/04 to 30/05/2010;" Seeing Art Gallery "(Aveiro, Portugal), of 05/06 to 02/07/2010;" Atlantic Gallery "(Vilamoura, Portugal), of 26/08 to 03/10/2010,and 16th International Exhibition of Visual Arts of Vendas Novas - Portugal, of 23/10 to 23/11; through collective organized by L'Agenzia di Arte .

”In my work, I combine elements without a faithful technique. In the painting, my support is the canvas and explore the brightly in funds surreal, who merging a foreground more realistic. In sculpture, my favoured it’s the Raku and at the time,I make busts and masks. In design, Luminous object attract me.”

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Gilmara Oliveira disse...
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Beijo a todos
Gilmara Oliveira

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