Deadline: 15 February 2010

Organized by a Museum of the stone, this event will take place from the 05 at August 31, 2010.

The organizer:

– offers a rough block of granite (no possibility of sawing) being able to go up to 1 m3 chosen on the spot in agreement with the foreman of the quarry.

– offers each day an hot meal which will be taken jointly; the small lunch and the evening meal will be with your load.

– gives to the artists the possibility of lodging near the Museum, in youth Hostel if the sculptor makes the request of it as a preliminary (arrived possible on August 4, departure on August 31).

– offers at the disposal of the sculptors showers and toilets.

– provides electricity, the water and the means of lifting necessary to the handling of the stones.

– provides a compressor at the disposal of the sculptors who will have however to bring the necessary tools, i.e., hammers, pipes and accessories…

– will subscribe an insurance civil liability/personal injuries.

The sculptors will be authorized to associate other materials, not provided by the organizer, to the granite, but the granite will have to be predominant. If a stone base is necessary, the sculptor will have to order it, with its expenses, at the Careers.

The sculptor is owner of the realized work.

The work will have to remain exhibited on place until the 1 of June 2011.

If during this year, any work is sold, the organizer will get a commission of the 10% of the selling price. If the organizer wishes to purchase a work, it will be deduced from the price of acquisition the cost of the provided materials. For detailed information on how to participate ( required documentation and contact address), please visit the web site: at the section "Opportunities”

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