Exposição em Berlim. Inscrições abertas/Open call

Contemporary Art Exhibition "The Ways of Art"
We select italian and foreign artists for the international contemporary art exhibition called “The Ways of Art” IIIth Edition.
The review, realized by Rosi Raneri, art critic and artistic director, will start from the11th Dicember 2010 to 15th January 2011 c/o Infantellina Contemporary,prestigious gallery set in the heart of Berlin, at Taubenstrasse, 20-22, Germany.
The long show will be parallel to the Christmas festivities.

We propose a wide stylistic comparison through the singularity of the different interpretations that, throwing themselves into an intercultural climate, can promote the free art expression over the territory.

The partecipation is open to italian and international artists working in the fields of painting, sculpture, digital art, photography and others artistic areas.

The theme of the exhibition is free to facilitate the art expressions.

Terms and Conditions
To partecipate the artist has to send within the 30th septemper 2010 the following documents:

- one photo for each work (jpg form is recommended);

- the biography or the artistic curriculum.

Those documents can be send to: rosi.raneri@gmail.com

The selection provides for the choice of the works that will be exposed (maximum 6 works for each one artist). The pictures number depends on their dimensions.

Once the selection will be finished, the artist have to choose between the following two solutions:

1) one square metre: please take a look to some combinations we use to do:

- one picture 100 for 100cm;
- two medium pictures 50 for 50cm;
- one picture 60 for 60cm plus one 40 for 40cm;
- two pictures 30 for 30cm plus one 40 for 40cm.
The one square metre fee's is Euro 380,00 (the fee doesn't include Iva 20%).

2) two square metres: please take a look to some combinations we use to do:
- two pictures 100 for 100cm;
- four medium pictures 50 for 50cm;
- six pictures 30 for 30cm;
- many others solutions are possible.

The two square metres fee's is Euro 720,00 (the fee doesn't include Iva 20%).
The fee includes the following services:
- works set up;
- total insurance coverage for the works for the whole length of the show;
- staff qualified personnel, speaking Italian, English and German;
- Vernissage (11 December, free entry) with appetizers and wine tasting;
- Multilanguage paper catalogue (translated in English, Italian and German)
- Advertise: Infantellina Contemporary mailing list (collectors, reporters, institutions etc); Rosi Raneri mailing list;
- Posters and invitations (5000);
- Press agency and web marketing;
- Publication on www.infantellina-contemporary.com/eventarchive

- Web marketing through Facebook.com, video upload on YouTube;
- Publication and advertise on www.pittoriitaliani.com.
The deliver charges are exclusive by the fee.
For further details please contact the following mail address:

You'll be contacted soon.
Reception packages and deadline
The original works have to arrive into the gallery within the 7th December 2010,
c/o Infantellina Contemporary in Taubenstrasse, 20-22 - 10117 Berlin, Germany.
The artist can choose to send the works or to bring them personally in gallery by appointment, or even to delegate other people to deliver them.

The deliver charges are exclusive by the fee, the artist has to provide autonomously for the A.R. (single-return) expedition.
We strongly recommend to preclude every damages to the works, to remove the
glasses from the frames.

In case of sale, the Stein Art GmbH –Infantellina Contemporary will keep a commission (the 10% from the sale price estabilish by the artist).

In case of sale, Dr. Rosi Raneri will produce the invoice to the purchaser and then the artist will have to return the 20% Iva to the curator.

The artist has to send the authenticity certificate for the works.

The payment
The payment is divided in two sessions:
1) the first deposit (the 30% of the fee, excluding IVA) within the 30th september 2010;
2) the remaining part (70% of the fee plus IVA) within the 30th november 2010.

The informations kept in our archive will be used for the participation to the show and for the dispatch of the advertising material for promotional aims related to the exhibition.

It's possible to ask the deletion, by law 675/96 about the protection of the personal dates.


Dr. Rosi Raneri
Direttrice artistica e critico d'arte.

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